Ushering in Meeting Room Simplicity

Complex meeting rooms are dinosaurs. Attendees do not have the time or the patience to deal with multiple plugins, calls to IT for support or meeting disruptions.

In fact, our State of the Meeting Room Survey uncovered 60% of meeting leaders lose at least 5 minutes (and oftentimes more) when technology setbacks occur.

And because attendee attention is already at a premium, even the slightest hiccups can derail a meeting. So, how can meeting rooms adjust, improve and even become places where attendees WANT to gather? By moving toward simplicity. Specifically, by creating spaces that simplify and improve the user experience.

Let’s explore the three must-haves for a simple meeting room

1. Less time messing with the tech

Too often, meeting rooms come equipped with confusing instructions, user guides and even cheat sheets. More time spent reviewing this information to start the meeting means less time spent having the actual meeting.

So, it’s crucial to provide room users with an instant understanding of how the equipment works. Start by adopting a single point of control. Replacing excessive remotes that only control individual units with a single remote or panel can simplify a meeting room solution. Also, instead of multiple cords for each type of connection – connected to a distinct video source – meeting rooms should have a single cord with readily available adaptors that operate through a single source.

The goal is to equip rooms with required technology only – nothing unnecessary. If it lacks a purpose, it doesn’t belong.

2. Make the room intuitive

Basic functionality should be incorporated into meeting room design by anticipating user needs. Install automated lights that turn on or off when someone enters or leaves a room. Or provide displays that automatically find the input source and project the screen when someone plugs in an external device.

Little touches like these reduce meeting room friction by removing the guesswork for meeting setup. Simple functionality allows leaders to focus on the meeting execution – rather than searching for light switches or finding monitor inputs.

3. Foster user adoption

When users spend less time figuring out the system, they’re more likely to use meeting rooms. The goal is to create spaces of collaboration, not frustration. As you consider room updates and optimal design, think about what would make you return to the room time and again.

Want a better idea of how your employees feel about your meeting rooms? Regularly poll users to understand their room experience and find ways to improve continuously. Doing so will help make sure the room use is optimized.

The time for simple is now

Simple no longer means “basic” or “bland.” Instead, simplicity is what many of us work for in various areas of our lives. And simple meeting rooms should be the rule – not the exception. We encourage you to look at your meeting rooms and answer the question, “How simple are they really?” And perhaps, “What can be done to improve?” If there’s a lot to be done, contact RoomReady. We’ll help you simplify so you can focus on what’s important.