The RoomReady Review – May 2020

Roomready Newsletter

VOL 2 • May 2020

Maintaining Productivity in Today’s Remote Work Environment
Webinar Replay: Optimizing a Video-First Culture
According to Gartner, 74% May Be Remote Permanently


Are You Return-to-Work Ready?

It’s hard to believe that many of us have already been through two months of quarantine. But as restrictions are slowly being lifted across the nation, there is plenty of talk – and plenty of concerns – related to returning to work, as many struggle to retrofit their business processes to respect social distancing without hampering productivity.

Here’s the bottom line: The virtual work environment will always have its place. A Gartner CFO study found that 74% said they intend to shift some employees to work remote permanently. And many of the companies that are re-opening are mandating that employees use video conference rather than in-person meetings, no matter their physical proximity.

Throughout this issue of The RoomReady Review, we explore return-to-work in more detail and provide “food for thought” on how you can begin rethinking, re-working and implementing these processes into your organization.


Aaron McArdle
CEO, RoomReady




Maintaining Productivity in Today’s Remote Work Environment

With the need to embrace social containment strategies, many companies initiated work-from-home strategies starting in March.

And even when we return to offices – as some people have already done – remote working is likely here to stay in one form or another. A recent Gartner survey found that almost three-fourths of CFOs plan to permanently utilize remote work for at least some staff.

Read more



believe that less than half of their meetings are productive.

Before scheduling, encourage meeting leaders to create and share agendas to ensure everyone on the team comes to the meeting knowing their roles and the discussion points.




Remote Working: Optimizing a Video-First Culture

The replay of our recent webinar Remote Working: Optimizing a Video-First Culture is now available.

Watch the replay



RoomReady Room Menus Coming Soon

This month we are announcing the ability to provide pre-defined menu-based pricing for a full suite of room types – ranging from Huddle to Divisible spaces – that leverage best practices when integrating with WebEx, Teams, and Zoom meetings platform. This offering will enable faster, more scalable quoting of RoomReady solutions with market-ready scopes, designs, and supporting engineering assets.

Contact us to learn more


Got Meetings? Six Critical Steps for Effective Project Management During Meeting Room Renovations

Featured in the May/June issue of Facilities Management Journal, RoomReady CEO Aaron McArdle discusses the steps that project managers should follow during their meeting room renovations.

Read the article

Like Videoconferencing Service Providers, AV Integrators Can Help Organizations Impacted By Coronavirus

In a recent piece by Commercial Integrator, RoomReady CEO Aaron McArdle discusses how to manage customer concerns around video conferencing platforms and video equipment amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Read the article

Meeting by Numbers: How Data Capture is Transforming the Meeting Room

RoomReady CIO Jay McArdle recently shared his thoughts on reducing meeting room pain points, simplifying meeting room scheduling and contributing to a more sustainable building.

Read the article


Gartner CFO Survey Reveals 74% Intend to Shift Some Employees to Remote Work Permanently

While we are eager to return to normal office life following the pandemic, the reality is that things will be different for a while. Check out this Gartner survey that details changes (some permanent) we may see to our workforce.

Read the Gartner release

Meetings Aren’t What They Used to Be. Here’s How to Make the Most of It.

The concept of meetings has taken on a new form now that all interactions have moved to video-based environments. While meetings have historically had a bad rap, this Forbes article discusses how good, effective meetings can solve problems and bring people together.

Read the full Forbes article

The New Office Space: 4 Ways Coronavirus Will Change the Workplace

Returning to the office after COVID-19 will mean significant changes to regular office life. This Facility Executive article covers some of what can be expected, including increased working from home, socially distant spaces and automated cleanliness.

Read more at Facility Executive