Inside A Dedicated Support Team: A Q&A with Embedded & Remote Technicians

Have a lot of meeting spaces? Feel you’re constantly phoning your meeting room integrator to trouble shoot room issues? Or even struggle with having your internal teams handle the support volume that your organization faces on a daily basis? If so, now may be the time to look at dedicated support.

We recently sat down with three of our dedicated support technicians – Ron Kuba, Steve Caparco and Mitchell Cummings – to learn more about what dedicated support is all about. During our discussion, they filled us in on their roles and the value a dedicated support team brings to organizations.

Can you explain what a dedicated support team is?

Ron: A dedicated support team handles all the AV support for a single customer, regardless of the type. The make-up of the team will vary depending on the specific customer. In my account, we have two support coordinators that dispatch tickets, four embedded techs that work full-time on-site, and two remote support techs that handle tickets remotely or travel from location to location to provide in person support.

Mitchell: Exactly. And if you had to break our role down to one purpose, it would be to keep that customer 100% connected. This means we’re the source for troubleshooting and finding the fix for the technology issues like hardware failure, software upgrades, device communication issues in the meeting room.

What are some benefits of an embedded technician?

Steve: The biggest advantage is proximity. When something goes wrong, we’re already on-site. You don’t have to worry about scheduling an appointment and us working you into our schedules. Being on-site means we can fix problems right when they come up and usually before they’re even noticed by the user. I honestly feel like my presence gives them the confidence to run their meetings and focus on what’s important because I’m their safety net if issues pop up.

Mitchell: As Steve mentioned, the confidence boost is huge. When I walk in, I can sense the immediate relief from employees because they know that by the time I leave, they will have everything working perfectly. And, since I’m a remote support tech and travel to satellite locations, the customer employees at those locations get a morale boost too because they feel seen and heard by the company.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Steve: We resolve issues that are reported and use the room monitoring software to identify issues that exist that haven’t even been noticed yet. Additionally, at my location, I conduct weekly rooms sweep where I test rooms to make sure they are functioning properly. I am in every room at least once per week to ensure they are up and running as designed.

Ron: That’s how my days go as well. In addition, we conduct a lot of new employee room trainings, so they know from the start how the room should work and who to call if issues pop up. And, as an embedded technician, I also prepare and sit in on large scale employee meetings and executive events to make sure things go off without any technology hiccups.

How do you balance your role with the customer and RoomReady?

Ron: It’s actually the best of both worlds. Being dedicated allows me to better understand my end users and their wants and needs. Having them think of me as part of their team means they are comfortable bringing up any issues they have. Likewise, being a part of RoomReady means I have a great team to back me up when a difficult issue arises.

What are some of the biggest challenges of your role?

Ron: The biggest thing is initially getting up to speed on the customer and how they use their systems. Otherwise, it’s learning how to balance proactive maintenance with immediate fixes. Overall though, it’s a very rewarding experience.

Mitchell: I travel a lot so we can be in each satellite office at least one time each quarter to do meeting room audits and keep things working properly. This is the biggest challenge for me, but it is also something I love about my job.

What are some things you love about your role?

Mitchell: I love that we always have something new going on: new people, new technology, new sites. It never gets boring. It’s also very rewarding to take these users’ technology and completely turn it around. When I finish a project, I like to look back on where everything was when I first visited and see how it improves our customers’ work and meeting room experiences.

Steve: Of course, I love being the face of confidence and helping our customers stay calm when technology issues come up, because we know their meetings are important and the last thing they need to worry about it technology.

Learn more about RoomReady’s full offering of support packages.