The RoomReady Review – July 2020

Roomready Newsletter

VOL 4 • July 2020

Building the Case for Tech-Agnostic Integrators
RoomReady Becomes a Zoom Certified Integrator
Enabling Cisco Enterprise Calling from Microsoft Teams and Slack Messaging



With each passing day, it seems like we’re relying less and less on phone calls and messaging, preferring, instead, the face-to-face interaction that comes from a video call. It’s simply more personal.

As video conferencing solutions continue gaining popularity, we’re experiencing unseen growth ‒ not only in platform adoption, but also multiplatform use. While tools such as Webex remains the gold standard for enterprise video conferencing, we’re also seeing the growth of collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom. The new reality is that organizations are no longer committing to a single solution but are relying upon a variety of platforms to fit different needs.

For A/V integrators, now is the time to embrace the age of tech-agnostic innovation and integration solutions and ensure we provide solutions for a variety of technology platforms. Let me be the first to welcome you to what I would like to call an age of opportunity!

Aaron McArdle
CEO, RoomReady




The Case for Tech-Agnostic Integrators

The rise of the remote workforce is the number-one reason for reliance on video conferencing, which this year has been become one of the most important – if not the most important – virtual working tool. In fact, recent research indicates that 43% of remote and in-house teams use a video conferencing solution.

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of meeting leaders believe engagement is an ongoing issue

As platform updates continue during COVID-19, conferencing solutions are more frequently improving the user experience and encouraging engagement. Take a look at your current platform updates to make sure you’re aware of the new features offered.




RoomReady Expands Collaboration Expertise Becoming a Zoom Certified Integrator

We’ve recently expanded our portfolio of easily-integrated meeting platforms to include Zoom. Did your company adopt a new meeting platform during this period of remote work? If so, we can integrate our technology right in to make your meeting rooms simple and powerful. Read the Release.


Microsoft Teams could be the ‘Sleeping Giant’ of video conferencing wars

RoomReady CEO Aaron McArdle recently chatted with My TechDecisions about the growth of video conferencing platforms.

Read the article

Navigating the Sea of Videoconferencing, Collaboration Apps in the Conference Room

In this recent Commercial Integrator piece, Aaron McArdle discusses how enterprise companies are likely to have multiple meeting platforms, and how each platform is working fast to improve all aspects or their solution.

Read the article

My TechDecisions Podcast Episode 91: Navigating the Sea of Videoconferencing Applications

Check out this podcast recording where Aaron McArdle discusses the different videoconferencing solutions and how they are adapting to fit user demands during COVID-19.

Listen to the podcast


Enabling Cisco Enterprise Calling from Microsoft Teams and Slack Messaging

In a recent blog post, Bryan Morris, Product Manager at Cisco, announced new calling integrations to their Webex platform. Microsoft Teams and Slack users can now start Webex meetings from within their own platforms, for better collaboration across meeting platforms.

Read the blog post

Zero-touch technology could make it safe to use elevators and ATMs again

When we return to the office, zero-touch solutions are going to be critical to keeping employees safe and healthy. This Fast Company article discusses where we may most likely see this technology used.

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