The RoomReady Review – 2020 Year End

The RoomReady Review - September 2020
Vol 10 • December 2020 Special Issue
We are grateful for 2020 because…
RoomReady Cares expands giving
We have almost made it to the end of 2020. Are you surprised? Or, maybe a little relieved? I like to take time at the end of the year to simply reflect on what the year has brought. That might seem a little twisted given the craziness that was 2020, but hey let’s do it anyway!

At RoomReady, we asked all our employees to do this reflection and let us know some of the bright spots that they experienced this year. The responses blew us away! Not only did our people survive, but they thrived. From increasing their knowledge during slow work weeks to reconnecting with their family during the week furlough that we all took, our folks stayed grateful and approached these situations as opportunities.

Additionally, there were some bright spots in our business that we are super proud of this year. Here are a few:
  • We rolled out profit sharing to our employees (in the middle of a pandemic even!)
  • Opened an office in Brooklyn, New York
  • Activated our largest support contract to date
  • Consistently hit or exceeded our gross profit goal
  • Designed and installed our largest Poly solution to date
  • Paid off all debt except our overall SBA business funding loan

There is so much to be grateful for this year. I encourage you all to take some time and think about what bright spots you have from 2020. Then, share them with your team, your family, and your friends….spread a little joy.

All the best,
Aaron McArdle
CEO, RoomReady
“Stay Grateful” means finding joy and opportunity in all situations
I know this sounds nuts, but we loved 2020! Why on earth would we say that?! We are all living through a global pandemic that has shut down businesses, kept us from gathering with people we love, and basically changed how we live our daily lives… can we possibly love a year like that?!
At RoomReady, one of our core values is Stay Grateful. For us that means, we need to find joy and approach every situation as an opportunity. 2020 tested this core value. When we asked our team to tell us about their year and what bright spots there were, we found out that our team is truly living the Stay Grateful core value. Here are some of the reasons why we are grateful for 2020.

of RoomReady Technicians are
Zoom Certified

RoomReady Cares: More than meetings

RoomReady Cares embodies our core values of "Care Deeply", "Help Others", and "Stay Grateful. And, we are finding new opportunities to use our money and unique expertise to help others.