Living Out Our Core Values During COVID-19

According to The Chicago Tribune, more than 90% of the U.S. population is living under a shutdown order of some sorts. As a designated a critical infrastructure industry in Communications, we will continue to do what we can to be committed and of service to all of you.

Long before any of us heard about COVID-19, RoomReady created and enacted our core values, to Care Deeply, Help Others and Stay Grateful – and we believe that these core values hold more true today than they ever have.

We are passionate to have been enlisted to help organizations like yours continue working remotely by equipping you with simple-yet-effective video conferencing solutions during this difficult time.

What does this mean for you?

We’ll send a technician on site to help only when absolutely necessary. In the meantime, we’ve doubled up on our commitment to helping you remotely. When you have any kind of a video conferencing or other meeting room challenge, reach out so we can help. It’s what we’re here to do.

We also want to ensure you that the safety of our employees, customers and community are our primary concern. And there are a number of measures we’re taking to ensure we serve our community and customers effectively and efficiently.

We want to be of service – in any way we can to help you.

Our lines of communication are always open. Feel free to contact us.