Forging the New Return-to-Work Frontier

Businesses are still restructuring how they decide to bring people back to the office, which means it’s time for businesses to rethink everything about their current meeting room setups. Why? Because the hybrid work environment is the new norm.

Our growing dependence on video conferencing means it’s time to look at your meeting rooms to determine if they’re video-ready, whether one or all are remote. That is, after we dust them off.

How tech-ready are you?

It’s no secret that, for many of us, our office technology has sat idle for more than a year, so turning it back on and expecting everything to work perfectly is unlikely.

Instead, it’s time to consider giving your videoconferencing technology a little TLC before your employees rely upon it for everyday operations. Here’s a few things to consider:

1. Firmware and software might be outdated

Since systems may have been offline for quite some time, chances are they’re in dire need of numerous updates that can impact their functionality and security. Make sure to apply all updates before your employees start using in-office technology once again.

2. Outstanding issues need to be addressed

Whether it’s an open support ticket from last March, or a recent issue that IT hasn’t been able to tackle from home, organizations should make sure all outstanding malfunctions are taken care of.

3. Technology components could need upgrades to meet video room demands

With video-capable technology taking the world by storm, pre-pandemic spaces may not be equipped to handle these changes. Take the time to examine your existing technology stack to make sure it is equipped to meet end-user demands.

4. Installer and/or manufacturer support may be expired/discontinued

Many companies, including installers and manufacturers, experienced business changes in the past year. It’s important to know whether your technology is supported and, if not, what steps are in place to regain support.

5. Rooms may need to be serviced and recertified

If it has been a while since you have confirmed your rooms are functioning properly, now is the time for a complete health check and re-certification.

RoomReady can help

Think your meeting room could use a tune-up? Then RoomReady’s got you covered. Whether we’ve worked on your project before or not, we can provide a soup-to-nuts health check to make sure your technology is working like it should.

We’ll start by taking inventory of each piece of meeting room furniture, technology and infrastructure. Next, we’ll find out how you plan to use each room to make sure it has everything your employees need to do their jobs. Last, we’ll develop and manage migration plans to make sure your rooms are working as they should – trouble-free. All of this can be conducted in-person or through remote support.

Regardless of how or when employees return to the office, we’ll make sure your meeting rooms and their technology are humming from day one. Contact us to get started.