Video-First Culture: Critical for Remote Communications and Meeting Success

As many remote workers can attest, communication in the form of body language and facial expressions can be lost when people aren’t face-to-face with each other. When communication is lost, productivity often is too.

However, video conferencing solutions provide the next best thing to being in person. And by adopting a video-first culture, you can enable your employees to better communicate remotely and give them the tools (and culture) needed to have productive meetings ‒ regardless of where they’re being held.

The benefits of video-first meetings

Improved productivity

Non-video forms of communication just aren’t as productive. Fifty-five percent of communication takes place through body language. Although emails are a great way to communicate, they can be misinterpreted. Phone calls, too, are an effective communication tool but lack body language and facial expressions that employees get through video calls.

Build a sense of community

Video calls are interactive and engaging. Think how a supervisor’s smiling face, verbal “great job” and a video high-five can have a more positive impact than a “great job” in an email. Or how having a quick cup of coffee with co-workers on video might not be the same as sharing a mug in the break room – but it comes close.

3 tips for video success

So you’ve decided to adopt a video-first culture. Fantastic! Now you have to master it. Although many companies are much more familiar and comfortable with video conferencing tools than they were five months ago, here are three tips to consider for video success:

1. Remind employees to look straight at the camera

If you’re working from a tablet, the other person is likely peering up your nose as your head is higher than the camera. However, if you prop your computer up on a pile of books, you can forget about comfortable typing. Investing in a Bluetooth keyboard or a camera that can go on top of the monitor allows you to look straight at the person you’re speaking with.

2. Practice what you preach

Employees are much more likely to adopt and use video conferencing tools if their supervisors do. So, when possible, lead meetings through video and show empathy if a toddler or pet wanders into view on the other end. Also, start meetings off on the right foot by sharing something positive and asking employees to do the same.

3. Check in with staff often

Keeping employees engaged during this unprecedented work-from-home period is critical. Take the time to schedule a quick video chat with employees weekly, if possible, to see what challenges they’re facing and the accomplishments they’ve made.

Video improves working from anywhere

By moving to a video-first culture, you can help your remote team stay connected, high-spirited and productive. Video enables communications – including body language and facial expressions – to continue as if your entire team was meeting in the office like it once did.

Since much of our staff is geographically dispersed, RoomReady grew up organically using remote tools and adopting a video-first mindset. With more than half of our staff spread out across the country, we know without a doubt that remote meetings – and remote work in general – can be successful with the right technology.

For more information, watch a replay of our Remote Working: Optimizing a Video-First Culture webinar.