In just three quick steps, this tool will give you a good idea of how much time your organization could save with RoomReady's simple, smarter meeting room solutions.
Let's GoFirst, how many meeting rooms do you have?
And How many employees are there?
Next, how frustrated would you say the average employee is with your meeting room technology?
Not frustrated
at all
at all
Frustrated a
great deal.
great deal.
Lastly, on average, how often does your IT or support team get called in to help with meeting room technology
Never or rarely
A few times a month
A few times a week
A few times a day
Almost always
So how much time can RoomReady's simpler, smarter meeting room solutions save your team
Drumroll please...
Collectively your - employees likely lose as many as - hours a year struggling with meeting technology.
And your IT and or support team spends as much as - hours a year helping users with technology.
That’s - hours per year that RoomReady can help your company get back. And, - hours back for each employee. Dream of that for a minute... - hours. It's like a virtual vacation from your meeting room woes. Wait...maybe you should take an actual vacation with all that extra time! Just a thought.
If you'd like to have a deeper conversation around how RoomReady's solutions can revolutionize the way your meeting rooms operate, provide us just a little more info...